Analysis of the failures of filter press in zero-emission system


The plate-and-frame filter press is composed of filter frame, filter cloth, filter plate, and frame parts of the filter part. The equipment is divided into a feed hole, a washing liquid hole, a filtrate out of the liquid collecting hole, and a washing liquid out of the liquid collecting hole. The filter press in the LZZG zero-emissions filter press is based on the patchwork dependence of the filter plate and the filter plate in the filter chamber, plus the interaction between the filter press and the filter cloth, to achieve the purpose of separating solid and liquid.

 filter press

Analysis of the failures of plate and frame filter press equipment

1. The reason for the damage of the plate itself

1) When the sludge is too thick or dry blocks are left, it will cause the blockage of the feed port. At this time, there is no medium between the filter plates and only the pressure of the hydraulic system itself. At this time, the plates themselves are very easy to be pressed for a long time. Cause damage.

2) Insufficient supply or inappropriate solid particles in the supply will also cause the frame itself to be stressed and damaged.

3) If the outlet is blocked by solids or the feed valve or outlet valve is closed when it is started, the pressure will not leak anywhere, causing damage.

4) When the filter plate is not cleaned, it will cause the medium to leak, and the edge of the plate frame will be washed out one by one in small trenches, causing the pressure to be unable to rise and the mud cake to be unable to form.


1) Use a nylon cleaning scraper to remove the mud from the feed inlet.

2) After completing this cycle, reduce the volume of the filter plate.

3) Check the filter cloth and clean the drain.

4) Check the outlet, open the corresponding valve, and release the pressure.

5) Clean the filter plate carefully and repair the filter plate.

 filter press


2. Causes of water seepage between plates and frames

The main causes of water seepage between the plates and frames are low hydraulic pressure, filter cloth folds, holes in the filter cloth, and lumps on the sealing surface.

Solution: The treatment method is relatively simple, as long as the hydraulic pressure is increased correspondingly, the filter cloth is replaced or the nylon scraper is used to remove the lumps on the sealing surface.

 filter press


3. The filter cake is not formed or the filter cake is uneven

There are many reasons why the filter cake is not shaped or uniform. Insufficient or too thin feed or clogging can cause this phenomenon.

Solutions: It increases the supply, adjusts the process, improves the supply, cleans the filter cloth or replaces the filter cloth, cleans the blockage, cleans the feed hole, cleans the drain hole, clean or replace the filter cloth, increases the pressure or pump power, and start at low pressure. , Constantly pressurize and other methods.

 filter press


4. The filter plate is slow or easy to fall off

Sometimes due to oil stains and excessive stains on the guide rods, the filter plate will travel slowly, or even fall off.

Solution: At this time, it is necessary to clean the guide rod in time and apply butter to ensure its lubricity. One thing to note is that it is strictly forbidden to apply thin oil on the guide rod because the thin oil is easy to fall and the bottom is very slippery. It is easy for personnel to fall over and cause personal injury accidents.

When a fault occurs, you should stop the machine in time and contact the technical engineer of LZZG. We will work out a solution for you in time.

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